Special Building Engenering company

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Волгаспецстрой - реконструкция и капитальный ремонт Building - the assembly group of companies "
Special Building Engineering Ltd. "
carries out all complex is repair - building, installation works. One of the basic directions of activity the companies is capital construction industrial and public buildings.
Системы пожаротушения , электролаборатория The construction company of "
Special Building Engineering Ltd.
" has in the active of the high quality certified experts, industrial shop of manufacturing of metalworks, laboratory of repair of blocks of the process equipment. Own material resources-warehouse. A special equipment and the equipment for performance of works of any complexity
Технологическе линии Presence of solid industrial base, transport, gears, systems of warehouses allows to compete successfully to the similar building organizations at the price of, to terms and quality of carried out works.
Mill VolgaVent - manufacture of ventilating systems, manufac Air-conditioning systems and ventilation Air-conditioning systems and ventilation

Air-conditioning systems and ventilation

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Correctly designed, professionally installed air-conditioning systems play major role in premises. Air making, favorable for people`s health is not only humanity feelings, but also accordance with requirements of technological process, equipment and construction preservation, materials, products, etc. Companies very often need ideal controllable climate.

Ventilation system types.

Ventilation can be blowing and exhaust. Principle of operation of blowing: inflow of fresh air into the, exhaust – selection of polluted air out of the room. Combined system is often used: blowing-exhaust, which allows achieving bigger effect when airing the room.


What`s the difference between air conditioning and ventilation?

Very often it`s important not only to arrange air exchange in the room, but also fix special parameters for the air. Irrespective of season, of heat and moisture parameters, air conditioning systems sustain necessary parameters of air exchange.


Air conditioning types.

In general, air conditioners are divided into 2 big groups: home and industrial. In its turn, industrial include – ported conditioner of high power, sensitive, central and systems of chiller-funk oil. These are systems with power more than 20 — 25 KW. They are used for servicing residential and administrative buildings, sales areas and sport centers, industrial and specialized rooms - area more than 300 square meters.


Ventilation and air conditioning assembling.

Company «VolgaVent» offers professional assembling of ventilation and air conditioners. Our activity includes all steps starting from components delivery and designing and finishing with systems installation.
Experienced employees will do job on time. Our company offers ready, already checked solutions, what helps to avoid any problems in job.


Conditioning system design.
Specialists of our department design ventilation and any conditioning systems. Unique work experience and rich technical resources allow solving any technical task for our customers. In case if project has its peculiarities, our designers may offer you several types of engineering solutions. They work out ways of decreasing total cost of project without losing functional capability of the system.


Ventilation layout.

This process is quite complicated and important, what means compulsory appeal to professionals.

Layout starts from defining necessary air amount, necessary for airing the room. After that – principal scheme of ventilation is made in accordance with all aerodynamic properties. At the end equipment is chosen and installed, controlling system is set up. Layout made by specialists of «VolgaVent» company, meet modern requirements and regulations.

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