Special Building Engenering company

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Технологические линии Start of technological lines and the equipment, and also installation and commissioning of machine tools with numerical program management, a supply of energy carriers and manufacturing of the bases under technological lines - all this Special Building Engineering Ltd! Пожаротушение We also make and we deliver systems of a fire extinguishing, we organize reliable work of installations of a fire extinguishing, an intruder alarm, systems of the notification and also we spend works on fire materials, products and designs. Электролаборатория Own electrolaboratory allows to spend trials of grounding devices, an electric equipment, power cable lines, secondary circuits and an electrical wiring a pressure up to 1 KV.


Fortify coasts

Bank protection, gabion work

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Special buldings - Industrial engineering and general contract

Company solves problems connected with defects and land deformations, as well as different types of soil erosion.

Company employees are high-qualified using modern technical and technological equipment, using modern materials allow to fulfill with high quality and timely the following types of work:

• Diagnostics of changeable and disintegrating pieces of land discovering and analyzing reasons of deformations;
• On-the-fly recovery of land deformations;
• reinforcement and stabilization of high banks and deep grooves using supporting fiber land gabion walls;
• Stabilization of soil erosion, protection from plain and linear washout;
• Drainage structure;
• Gabion walls` structure;
• Slope consolidation with gabion structures;
• Input-output culvert heads` structure;
Cone and bridge footing protection from washout;
• Pools and banks` protection;
• Consolidation of stone collapse slopes;
• Snow-screen structures;
• Drainage facility structure;
• Landscaping;

Gabions: bank protection technology

Depending on aims and local conditions works can be made by different methods:

  • ~ Damp of inert materials (bank protection with stones, bricks;
  • ~ Gabion structures laying (mattresses Renault);
  • ~ Laying of flexible concrete mats;
  • ~ Laying of reinforced concrete slabs;
  • ~ Structure of pile sheeting or piling walls.

Gabions: steps of bank protection with mattresses Renault

  1. Trench development for thrust fluted land
  2. Development and planning of riverside slopes
  3. Dump of thrust fluted land and fixing of slope with stones
  4. Dump of foundation for gabions
  5. Needle-punched fabric laying
  6. installation and binding of cellular boxes (gabions)
  7. anchoring of empty boxes
  8. filling boxes with stones by hand wedging
  9. Upper net fixation

Найти также: Берегоукрепление берегоукрепительные работы берегоукрепление габионами берегозащита укрепление берегов водоема обустройство берегов