Start of technological lines and the equipment, and also installation and commissioning of machine tools with numerical program management, a supply of energy carriers and manufacturing of the bases under technological lines - all this Special Building Engineering Ltd! | We also make and we deliver systems of a fire extinguishing, we organize reliable work of installations of a fire extinguishing, an intruder alarm, systems of the notification and also we spend works on fire materials, products and designs. | Own electrolaboratory allows to spend trials of grounding devices, an electric equipment, power cable lines, secondary circuits and an electrical wiring a pressure up to 1 KV. |
Свидетельство о допуске к работам СРО |
NO TRANSLATION AVAILABLE Свидетельства о допусках к работам, которые оказывают влияние на безопасность объектов капительного строительства. Регистрационный номер записи СРО-С-027-12082011 от 10.05.2011 года. Номер реестровой записи в реестре членов Партнерства СВС-00169
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